Saturday 21 December 2013

(ARTICLE) Annoying things girls do that guys wish they didn’t

Don’t you just love these posts? I know I do. I am a girl. And I am an annoying one. I can be sooo annoying (on purpose) at times that I literally can’t stand myself. So you can imagine how a guy would feel…not happy. Nope. Now here’s a decent list of all these annoying traits of girls which
guys hate/despise, but not all of them would admit or comment on them. So beware. Chances are you are super annoying and he knows it. But you don’t.

  • Nagging

You know you do it. We all do it. And we all hate ourselves for it, but it’s nothing compared to what a guy feels like when you nag him for the 100th time. If you constantly complain about the way he is and does things, he will grow to resent you, that’s for sure. Learn to accept who he really is and love him for it – slow, sarcastic, lazy, arrogant, whichever. It doesn’t mean putting up with crap. It means you accept that the person you’ve chosen to be with isn’t perfect. And he doesn’t have to be. Not for your sake at least. He can try to change of course, but the choice is his and the path is his.

  • No confidence

So he pays you a compliment and you try to talk him out of it? Sounds familiar? Girls with low confidence do that all the time. Accept the damn compliment and thank him for it. Same goes for not liking your body. If you think you are fat and you are fishing for compliments by whining about it, chances are you will end up getting him in the fix-it mode. His advice? Go to the gym, start running, reduce the fat intake. Guys are like that. If you love your body, he will love it. If you hate yourself, you gotta deal with your own issues. And not get offended if he offers you a solution.

  • Never appreciating

Guys go through life believing they have to win, conquer and be their best male self 24/7. It’s a huge burden from a very early age. It’s just how they are raised. When a woman does not appreciate what a guy does for her, and only picks up on the negatives, it’s headed to disaster. Appreciate the good things he does and be more accepting.

The moral? Love yourself – truly, unconditionally, fully, madly. Have confidence. Know who you are and what you are capable of. Appreciate what a guy truly is and what he does for you. Don’t pick up fights for the sake of doing it. Don’t be judgy. Support his goals, be interested in his life. I believe that if you truly want to change for better and do things right, he will soon notice. And love you for it.

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