Thursday 27 March 2014


In most cases when a woman is no longer interested in a relationship she doesn't want to be the one to end it, she always want to do things that will make the Man call it off.

 And sometimes, women tend to emotionally drop out of the relationship even before they come out and say it is over.

The signs below could mean she is completely over it and fallen out of love.

Have you been thinking Your that your Girl Doesn't love you anymore ??
How sure are you ??

Here are Six signs your Girl is losing interest In you.

She starts.....

1. Dialing Out: 

She has not picked up your call in a few days, when you normally used to talk two to three times a day. She keeps coming up with different excuses as to why she is ignoring you, but her stories are not satisfactory. 

In the case you should know that she is beginning to drop out, because  if she still care for you, she will pick up your call and even when she is busy at least, she will say "am Busy, Please Call Back". so if she didn't do that then you know she is cutting the rope gradually.

2. Being Secretive : 

Women are known for wanting to share their stories and experiences with partner, especially the man in their life. Have you noticed she has not been talking about anything personal lately? 
This could be a sign of her love withdrawal from you. 

Mean while , that isn't precise about her feelings for you, she may not have anything personal to tell you yet. So if she hasn't been telling you anything personal, that isn't precise about her feelings, but you should be conscious, when you see that change in her.

3: not To Care About you: 

Just like she would not want to talk to you about her problems/experience, she will also not ask you to talk about yours. She no longer cares if you had a bad day or not, and when you do talk to her, she probably just give you non-committal responses like nodding and mumbling. She also does not contribute to such conversations pretty sure......she is loosing it.

4. Suspicious activities Without considering Your Feelings: 

When she picks up calls from other men while with you, or flirt with others without giving any consideration for how you feel, this could mean she does not respect you or your feelings anymore, and that usually happen when she is trying to make you be the cause of the break-up.

She knows that you will get mad at her when she keeps that up, and she wants you to be in rage so as to start a quarrel with her, and that will be an excuse of her love withdrawal.

5. Physical Contact Prevention: 

She tries to prevent physical contact with you. You cannot even hold her or touch her without her cringing in disgust. This is a definite symptom that she has lost her willingness of physical contact with you.

This happens when you place your hand on her, and she unplaced it, when try to move closer to her like you use to and she is moving away from you. when it happens like this, then maybe she doesn't love you anymore......find out.

6. Not To Talk About Your deeds: 

This is in fact the most subtle and the most overlooked. If your relationship had been Crazy for some time now (you guys quarrel most times) and lately she just suddenly stops arguing with you or has nothing to say when a fight comes up, don't make the mistake of taking this to mean all your problems are solved. 

Most times, women express their feelings with words, and they only care and usually jealous about what you are doing when they love you. 
so when she stops talking, you should start worrying because that is a sign that she's loosing it.

Author :- CL's OFFICIAL

I will Love to advice all Boys/Men to please be careful in a relationship so as not to lose the right one for you.

Coming up the "Unstoppable signs That you Don't love her any more [for girls]"

more of this to come if you stay tuned with us .....


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